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Here you can find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Alpha Servitors.


What is an Alpha Servitor?


An Alpha Servitor is a complex energy construct. Using all of the elements, as well as an internal energetic system (Chakras, and a full Psy System, they are capable of generating their own energy. They are free willed, and will develop their own personality, as well as behaviors. They are capable of learning skills from spirits, servitors, and even humans. An empathic link is created between the Alpha and their keeper. This allows for greater interaction, as well as communication. They like offerings, and will often become hyper when treats are given.

Their initial personality seems to correspond to the form they have been given, and what the mass consciousness expects of it. This though is not always the case. As they grow and learn, their personality will change a bit, not radically, however they will be truly individual.


What are the differences between an Alpha and a typical Servitor?


A regular servitor is programmed with a set of skills and abilities, and can typically only learn in the sphere of those abilities. Everything about that is programmed.

With an Alpha, They have free will, and can learn anything. They will also develop their own personalities. Even the energy signature is different.


Pros and Cons?

You get a truly custom spirit, they can look like anything. A goblin with tank treads instead of feet? No problem! A vegetarian Vampire? Again no problem.

Cons, (not really a con.) They have free will and emotion. And should be treated like a sentient being.


What kind of relationship would an Alpha have with other Servitors?

By their nature, an Alpha will be dominant over lower class servitors.


How do I upgrade my Alpha?


Upgrading an Alpha, while this cannot be done in a traditional method, they can be taught the abilities by another servitor. As a for instance, say a Alpha wished to learn far seeing, per the Occulous. It would examine the coding, watch it in action, and copy the ability to itself. This would allow an Alpha with no ability to gain skills and abilities easily.

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